Something Fun

I was going to post about my tattoo, but I’m sick of talking about pain at the moment, so instead you get a bird! ๐Ÿ™‚

I was dragged to a street fair a few weeks ago with my mother and her friends. I thought I would be bored and hungry the whole time, but I hoped I’d get to see some cool art or something while I was there. Quite honestly, the fair was a bit disappointing. It was much smaller than previous years, and there weren’t a whole lot of people there (either vendors or customers). But there was a bird display, so that was pretty cool.

Some of the birds were rather large and loud (and therefore scary), but there were a couple of smaller ones like this little guy:


He sat on my finger for a good twenty minutes and refused to move. ๐Ÿ™‚ He was a sweetheart and only left when the trainer came over to give him a treat. Plus I got a wonderful picture of him. Who knew camera phones could be so good? Overall, a very happy moment.

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